An interview on Avant, Volume XI, Issue 3/2020

Some time ago I was invited to contribute to the polish magazine Avant, Volume XI, Issue 3/2020 with an interview on the volume “LISTENING TO THE URBANOCENE. PEOPLE – SOUNDS – CITIES”, among Francisco Lopez, Lisa Gaupp, Luís Cláudio Ribeiro, Martin Butler and many others. Take a tour.

“No giudicar la nave stando a tera” online audio installation, Immersive cities 2020

The project investigates five different sound scenes taken from Venice everyday life. The aim is to present a sonic portrait of the city as to help students from the italian course of Melbourne’s Italian Institute of Culture to dive into a non-stereotypied venetian atmosphere.

The online sound installation was curated by Leandro Pisano, as part of the project Immersive cities, which collects sounds and voices from five italian cities: Venezia, Torino, Napoli, Bari and Palermo. All the field recordings and mix were realised together with sound artist Nicola Di Croce.

NOWTILUS LIVE! Ocean space

I’m absolutely thrilled to say that I was invited to performe my album “Teredo Navalis” at NOWTILUS LIVE! Ocean space.

Saturday 10th October, 5-7pm

Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Castello 5069 – 30122 Venezia VE

Info and booking at

Free entrance.

OUT NOW: Enrico Coniglio & Giulio Aldinucci “Stalking The Elusive” – CD/DL – Dronarivm 2020

Officially out now: Enrico Coniglio & Giulio Aldinucci – ‘Stalking the Elusive’ digital e limited edition CD is out now on Dronarivm!

This album was conceived in Moscow during the Spring of 2018, when Dmitry Vasilyev organized the concert of Enrico Coniglio and Giulio Aldinucci at дом – Dom Cultural Centre. The album reflects the feelings of some very intensive days made of exchanges of ideas with a multitude of people involved in music (including Dmitry Taldykin of Dronarivm) and moments spent in isolated places out of the metropolis, like a forest not far from an army shooting range.

In this album, the two musicians wave together memories of an immutable past and questions about the present, giving birth to a sort of a requiem overflowing with lyricism. This music enlighten the dawn of a future that now appears more uncertain than ever, with frozen intensity and dramatic strength. As a message entrusted to the stars, it leaves as wondering if we can still change the course of events.

Cover photo by Giulio Aldinucci
Mastered by Alexandr Vatagin

OUT NOW: Enrico coniglio “TEREDO Navalis” – CD/DL – Gruenrekorder 2020

I’m extremely delighted to announce the release of my new solo album “TEREDO Navalis” for the amazing Gruenrekorder label.

This work represents a further step into my on-going research on the Venetian Lagoon. I was interested to keep an ecological perspective while focussing on a precise aesthetic. In fact, I considered field-recording practice as a tool for critically investigating the territory. The album is based on sounds recorded via electromagnetic sensors, binaural microphones, hydrophones, contact and condenser microphones. It combines compositions where the sound of water, in itself, is almost left behind. All sounds where gathered during night time in the north side of the lagoon, between the islands of Murano, Burano, Sant’Erasmo and their surrounding sandbanks. Here it is possible to find, on the one hand, aquatic spawning grounds for crabbers, high-tide roosts for gulls and native terns; on the other, boats for the public transportation are moving along the main navigation channels. The result is not a sonic postcard, rather a research process documenting through sounds those marginal areas of the lagoon facing a fragile balance between natural environment and man-made actions.

Mastering by M. Carvalhais
Photographs courtesy of D. Gagliano

Soundscapes Room #4 – Enrico Coniglio – Streaming

“Teredo Navalis live tracks. Continuano le peregrinazioni lagunari di Enrico Coniglio con un nuovo capitolo che esplora le aree liminali della laguna nord di Venezia. Un lavoro costruito quasi interamente da Field Recordings realizzate principalmente tramite idrofoni, dove il suono dell’acqua pur essendo protagonista, nella composizione occupa un posto secondario. Enrico ci propone per Soundscape room una sessione di ascolto di microsuoni della fauna e flora lagunare di velme e barene, tipiche strutture morfologiche di un ambiente naturalistico in cui la pressione antropica resta ai margini ma rivela la sua silenziosa presenza. A breve in uscita l’album omonimo per la tedesca Gruenrekorder”. Giuliana Placanica (Good vibes)

10th May 2020, h. 18.00
Link –>