OUT NOW: Enrico Coniglio & Stefano Guzzetti “Lost & Found” – CD/DL – 2k002 2021

“Lost & Found” is a deferred improvised ambient music work for acoustic guitar and piano. In April 2020, during the first lockdown, Stefano Guzzetti improvised on the piano while listening in headphones to eight acoustic guitar tracks he received by Enrico Coniglio. Completed with the addition of discrete and never overly distinctive electronic parts, “Lost & Found” is a collection of pieces in which sounds alternate themselves with pauses and silences, enhancing tensions and harmonic consonances. From isolationist melancholy to vibrant joy open to hope.

Enrico Coniglio. Acoustic Guitar, Yamaha TX7, Field Recordings
Stefano Guzzetti. Piano, Electric Bass, Yamaha TX81Z, Waldorf Blofeld, Field Recordings

Mastered by Ian Hawgood

Design, calligraphy and photography by Chris Bigg

An interview on Avant, Volume XI, Issue 3/2020

Some time ago I was invited to contribute to the polish magazine Avant, Volume XI, Issue 3/2020 with an interview on the volume “LISTENING TO THE URBANOCENE. PEOPLE – SOUNDS – CITIES”, among Francisco Lopez, Lisa Gaupp, Luís Cláudio Ribeiro, Martin Butler and many others. Take a tour.

“No giudicar la nave stando a tera” online audio installation, Immersive cities 2020

The project investigates five different sound scenes taken from Venice everyday life. The aim is to present a sonic portrait of the city as to help students from the italian course of Melbourne’s Italian Institute of Culture to dive into a non-stereotypied venetian atmosphere.

The online sound installation was curated by Leandro Pisano, as part of the project Immersive cities, which collects sounds and voices from five italian cities: Venezia, Torino, Napoli, Bari and Palermo. All the field recordings and mix were realised together with sound artist Nicola Di Croce.

NOWTILUS LIVE! Ocean space

I’m absolutely thrilled to say that I was invited to performe my album “Teredo Navalis” at NOWTILUS LIVE! Ocean space. Saturday 10th October, 5-7pm Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Castello 5069 – 30122 Venezia VE Info and booking at ocean-space.org Free entrance.